The Combatribes is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan in 1991. While it may not be as well-known as some other mecha series like Gundam or Neon Genesis Evangelion, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many anime fans. This article will delve into the world of Combatribes, exploring its unique setting, characters, and mecha designs.
A Unique Setting
One of the most striking aspects of Combatribes is its unique setting. The story takes place in a futuristic world where humanity has colonized various planets and moons. However, this seemingly peaceful expansion is threatened by a mysterious alien race known as the “D-Beasts.” These creatures are powerful and destructive, and they pose a serious threat to human civilization.
The Combatribes: Humanity’s Last Hope
To combat the D-Beasts, humanity has developed a powerful new weapon: the Combatribes. These are giant, humanoid robots piloted by specially trained soldiers. The Combatribes are equipped with a variety of weapons, including missiles, lasers, and swords. They are humanity’s last hope for survival against the alien threat.
Key Characters
The Combatribes series features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique personalities and abilities. Here are some of the key players:
Kouji Aoi
Kouji is the main protagonist of the series. He is a skilled pilot and a natural leader. Kouji pilots the Combatribe “Grungust,” a powerful and versatile machine.
Ayako Shiratori
Ayako is a talented mechanic and engineer. She is responsible for maintaining and repairing the Combatribes. She also serves as a valuable support member for the pilots.
Tetsuya Kusanagi
Tetsuya is a hot-headed and impulsive pilot. He pilots the Combatribe “Burast,” a fast and agile machine.
Other Notable Characters
In addition to the main characters, Combatribes also features a number of other interesting characters, including:
Dr. Keiichiro Mikado: A brilliant scientist who is responsible for developing the Combatribes.
Mecha Designs
The mecha designs in Combatribes are both stylish and functional. The Combatribes are sleek and powerful, with a variety of weapons and abilities. Some of the most iconic Combatribes include:
The main Combatribe piloted by Kouji Aoi. It is a versatile machine with a wide range of weapons and abilities.
A fast and agile Combatribe piloted by Tetsuya Kusanagi. It is equipped with powerful thrusters and a variety of ranged weapons.
Other Combatribes
There are several other Combatribes featured in the series, each with its own unique design and capabilities.
Legacy and Impact
While Combatribes may not be as well-known as some other mecha series, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many anime fans. The series is remembered for its unique setting, interesting characters, and exciting battles. It also introduced some innovative mecha designs that have influenced subsequent mecha series.
The Combatribes is a classic mecha anime that is worth checking out for fans of the genre. Its unique setting, interesting characters, and exciting battles make it a memorable experience. If you’re looking for a classic mecha anime with a fresh take on the genre, then Combatribes is definitely worth your time.